Organic Innovation, Disruptive Technology and Social Impact
Meet Brooke Wurst (C'94), founder and CEO of Remote Harbor Inc. and hear how Remote Harbor came about in the context of those concepts – how a community's desire to decrease the 40% HIV prevalence drove disruptive technology to a new level in health care, disaster relief, fair labor practices, and beyond.
Most technological innovations emerge from university labs and spend the early part of their life cycle searching for problems to solve. RemoteID, Remote Harbor, Inc.'s patent-pending wireless biometric data management system, had a different beginning, emerging from a village without electricity in remote sub-Saharan Africa.
Thursday, July 11
Reception 6:00 - 7:00pm – no-host bar
Dinner 7:00pm followed by presentation and discussion
University Club
1225 S.W. Sixth Avenue
Downtown Portland
Penn Club of Portland members and their guests: $35
Others: $45
RSVP and mail checks to the address below by Tuesday, July 9.
P.O. Box 1551
Portland, Oregon 97207-1551
503 222 3232
503 222 3611(fax)